In December 2024, the special trasport are planned on the Ljubljana – Koper route:
- 1st transport, December 5
- 2nd transport, December 11
- 3rd transport, December 12
Timeline of the first transport:
Thursday, December 5
Route: Union Brewery – parking lot Kalce/Grčarevec
20:00 Departure from the Union
20:30 h ride along Celovška cesta
20:45 h bend to Šišenska cesta
21:00 h continuation of the Eternal Path and the Path of Robert Bitenc
21:20 h continuation of the ride along the trail behind Brdo
21:40 h Dolomite Detachment Road
10:00 p.m. turn onto road 641 towards Trieste road
22:15 h continuation of the ride along Trieste road
22:35 h drive through Brezovica, Log pri Brezovici, Sinja gorica
23:30 h estimated arrival at Vrhnik
23:40 h drive over Vrhnika
00:20 h continuation of the ride through Logatec and Kalce
01:30 h estimated completion at the parking lot between Kalce and Grčarevac
Friday, December 6
Route: parking lot Kalce/Grčarevec – parking lot Raubarkomanda
20:30 h start parking lot Kalce/Grčarevec
20:40 h drive through Grčarevac, in the direction of Planina
21:10 h Planned passage over Planina to the planned road closure
21:30 h Estimated arrival at the road closure
21:45 h Transfer to shorter vehicles and drive to the Raubarkomanda parking lot
03:00 h estimated completion at the Raubarkomanda parking lot
Saturday, December 7
Route: Raubarkomanda parking lot – AC intervention route/Divača crossing
20:00 h start from the parking lot Raubarkomanda
20:20 h estimated arrival in Postojna
20:40 h crossing Postojna and continuing driving along the road 409
21:20 h crossing the construction site of the bridge over the Pivka River
21:45 h continuation of the ride, village of Dilce
22:15 h entry to the AC, through the intervention entrance
22:45 h drive on the AC to the intervention export Razdrto
11:10 p.m. exit AC, and continue driving on Route 409
23:45 h drive through Senožeče and continue towards Divača
00:00 h arrival in Divača and parking on the intervention route in front of AC
00:30 h (optional, still AC closure and AC crossing at Divača)
Sunday, December 8
Route: AC intervention route/Divača crossing – LUKA Koper
20:00 h start AC intervention route/crossing Divača
20:20 h continuation of the drive on the road 409 towards Kozina
21:00 h crossing Kozina
21:15 h continuation of the ride towards Črni Kal
22:00 h crossing Črni Kal and continuing the ride
22:20 h drive along the road 409, via Rižana, Cepkov and Dekanov
11:10 p.m. drive over the roundabout in Bivje/Dekani and continue on Route 741
23:40 h Estimated arrival in Bertoke and continuation of the drive towards Luka
00:30 h estimated arrival at LUKA Koper
All appointments are for informational purposes only and will be confirmed no later than the day before transport.
Vehicles accompanied by emergency services and slowed traffic are expected on the route, and traffic disruptions or road closures will also be possible. Hours are scheduled.