Measurements of road conditions on motorways and expressways-March and April 2024

 Measurements of road conditions on motorways and expressways-March and April 2024

From Friday, 29 March to 9 April, measurements will be carried out on the condition of roadways on motorways and expressways. 

Measurements will be carried out on all lanes using a combined measuring vehicle that will drive at speeds between 80 and 90 km/hour. When driving in an overtaking lane, he will be accompanied by a vehicle from the police.
Other scheduled measurement by day and section. They will change depending on the flow of traffic and weather. (Source: Cestel)


PMS Programme of Works-Cestel d.o.o. March/April 2024

Date Day Road number Lanes Road Name/Description
29th March Friday A1 driving lane Šentjakob - Fram
A5, H7 ramps Lenart - Pince
A5, H7 ramps Pince - Lenart
30th March Saturday A5, H7 driving lane Lenart - Pince
A5, H7 driving lane Pince - Lenart
A4 ramps and slow lanes Priklj. Letališče MB - Gruškovje
A4 ramps and slow lanes Gruškovje - Priklj. Letališče MB
A4 truck road AC-A4/1484 Kamionska c. Gruškovje
A4 driving lane Gruškovje - Priklj. Letališče MB
A4 driving lane Priklj. Letališče MB - Gruškovje
A1 ramps and slow lanes Fram - Šentjakob
A2 driving lane MP Karavanke - Vodice
A2 driving lane Vodice - MP Karavanke (not on Monday)
A2 truck road AC-A2/0453 Kamionska c. Karavanke
A2 ramps Vodice - MP Karavanke
A2 ramps MP Karavanke - Vodice
31st March Sunday A1, A4, A5, H2 driving lane Roads around Maribor
A1, A4, A5, H2 driving lane Roads around Maribor
A1, A4, A5, H2 ramps and slow lanes Roads around Maribor
A1, A4, A5, H2 ramps and slow lanes Roads around Maribor
A1, A4, A5, H2 overtaking lane Roads around Maribor
A1, A4, A5, H2 overtaking lane Roads around Maribor
2nd April Tuesday H4 driving lane Razdrto - Vrtojba
H4 truck road HC-H4/1467 Kamionska c. Vrtojba
H4 driving lane Vrtojba - Razdrto
H4 ramps Razdrto - Vrtojba
H4 ramps Vrtojba - Razdrto
3rd April Wednesday A5, H7 overtaking lane Lenart - Pince
A5, H7 overtaking lane Pince - Lenart
A4 overtaking lane Priklj. Letališče MB - Gruškovje
A4 overtaking lane Gruškovje - Priklj. Letališče MB
A1 overtaking lane Šentjakob - Fram
A1 overtaking lane Fram - Šentjakob
4th April Thursday A1 & H5 & H6 overtaking lane Brezovica - Izola
A3 overtaking lane Gabrk - Fernetiči
A3 overtaking lane Fernetiči - Gabrk
H4 overtaking lane Razdrto - Vrtojba
H4 overtaking lane Vrtojba - Razdrto
A1 & H5 & H6 overtaking lane Izola - Brezovica
5th April Friday A2 overtaking lane Vodice - MP Karavanke
A2 overtaking lane MP Karavanke - Vodice
A2 overtaking lane Šmarje Sap - Obrežje
A2 overtaking lane Obrežje - Šmarje Sap
6nd April Saturday A1, A2, H3 overtaking lane Roads around Ljubljana
A1, A2, H3 overtaking lane Roads around Ljubljana
A1, A2, H3 driving lane Roads around Ljubljana
A1, A2, H3 driving lane Roads around Ljubljana
A1, A2, H3 ramps and slow lanes Roads around Ljubljana
A1, A2, H3 ramps Roads around Ljubljana
8th April Monday A1 ramps and slow lanes Šentjakob - Fram
A1 driving lane Fram - Šentjakob
A2 driving lane Šmarje Sap - Obrežje
A2 ramps and slow lanes Šmarje Sap - Obrežje
A2 ramps and slow lanes Obrežje - Šmarje Sap
A2 truck road AC-A2/1482 Kamionska c. Obrežje
A2 driving lane Obrežje - Šmarje Sap
9th April Tuesday A1 & H5 & H6 driving lane Brezovica - Izola
A1 & H5 & H6 driving lane Izola - Brezovica
A1 & H5 & H6 ramps and slow lanes Brezovica - Izola
A1 & H5 & H6 ramps and slow lanes Izola - Brezovica
A3 driving lane Gabrk - Fernetiči
A3 truck road AC-A3/0372 Kamionska c. Fernetiči
A3 driving lane Fernetiči - Gabrk
A3 ramps Gabrk - Fernetiči
A3 ramps Fernetiči - Gabrk