  • On the A1 motorway between Unec and Logatec, traffic in both directions, is running on two narrowed lanes, expected until 30 April (replacement of fences).
  • On the A1 motorway at the Razdrto junction and the regional road Postojna - Razdrto, the traffic flow (work) is changed until 31 March.
  • On the A1 motorway between the Kozina junction and the Kastelec tunnel towards Koper, traffic is running on two narrowed lanes.
  • On the A1 motorway between the Srmin junction and the Kastelec tunnel towards Ljubljana, work is underway on several sections. Occasionally, traffic is running on one lane.
  • On the A2 motorway between the Bič and Trebnje junctions, traffic on one half of the motorway in both directions is expected until 15.5.2025. The Bič import towards the Obrežje is closed.

On the Litija - Zagorje road, at Šklendrovec, there will be a complete closure from Monday to Saturday, between March 24 and April 7, daily between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. On Sundays, the road will be normally trafficked.

Border crossings Slovenia

Due to developments in the wider region and potential security risks, temporary controls at the borders. More info.


Open border crossings:
  • Trate
  • Svečina (8.-18. ure)
  • Karavanke (A2)
  • Radlje (5.-21. ure)
  • Ljubelj (5.-21. ure)
  • Gornja Radgona
  • Svečina (8.-18. ure)
  • Gederovci
  • Holmec (5.-23. ure)
  • Šentilj (A1)
  • Šentilj (17.-19. ure)
  • Vič
Border crossings open for daily migrants with a certificate from their employer, dual owners and tenants with an extract from the land registry or a lease agreement and individuals wishing to visit their closer relatives:
  • Kramarovci
  • Gerlinci (8.-18. hour)
  • Kuzma 24/7
  • Cankova
  • Jurij (5.-8. and 16.-19. hour)
Border crossings open for slovenian and austrian dual owners or tenants near the border area:
  • Golica
  • Peč
  • Koprivna
  • Knepsovo sedlo
  • Blekowa Alm (5.-2. hour)
Open border crossings:
  • Vrtojba
  • Fernetiči
  • Škoflje
Border crossings open for daily migrants, landlords, individuals with a certificate from the local community and visitors of close relatives:
  • Rateče 24/7
  • Robič (5.-23. hour, sundays and holidays entrances into Slovenia closed)
  • Predel (6.-9. and 15.-18. hour, sundays and holidays entrances into Slovenia closed)
  • Nova Gorica (Erjavčeva) (6.-21. hour)
  • Neblo (6.-9. and 15.-19. hour)
Open border crossings:
  • Dolga vas
  • Pince (AC/transit/20.-12. ure)
  • Pince (R2)
Border crossings open for daily migrants with a certificate from their employer, dual owners and tenants with an extract from the land registry or a lease agreement and individuals wishing to visit their closer relatives:
  • Hodoš