From November 15 to March 15, winter equipment on vehicles is mandatory, which is stipulated by the Road Traffic Rules Act (motor vehicles and trailers) on Slovenian roads.
Cooler temperatures, shorter days, longer braking distances and longer travel times.
Drivers are urged to turn on all four lights for better visibility. Happy and safe driving!
On the nights of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from 5 November to 22 November, every night between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., the section between the Šmarje Sap junction and the Malence fork towards Ljubljana and the Malence fork towards Celje will be closed due to the renovation of electrical equipment in the Debeli Hrib and Mali Vrh tunnels. The bypass will be via Škofljica.
Due to developments in the wider region and potential security risks, temporary controls at the borders. More info.