
The A2 motorway will be closed on the night of Saturday from 10:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. between the Šmarje-Sap junction and the Malence junction towards Ljubljana. Detour through Škofljica.
- On the A2 motorway, between the Bič and Trebnje junctions, traffic is expected to flow on one half of the motorway in both directions from 13/03/2025 to 15/05/2025. The Bič Import will also be closed.
- The H4 Vipava Expressway will be closed between Nanos and Vipava towards Italy from Saturday, March 15 at 7:30 a.m., until Monday, March 17 at 5 a.m. The detour will take a parallel regional road.
- The A1 motorway will be closed between the Celje Center and Slovenske Konjice junctions towards Maribor from Saturday, March 15 at 8 p.m., until Sunday, March 16 at 5 a.m. Detour: on the road Celje – Vojnik – Slovenske Konjice.

Other roads:
- Road Litija - Zagorje will be closed at Šklendrovac this Saturday,  March 15 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Border crossings Slovenia

Due to developments in the wider region and potential security risks, temporary controls at the borders. More info.


Open border crossings:
  • Trate
  • Svečina (8.-18. ure)
  • Karavanke (A2)
  • Radlje (5.-21. ure)
  • Ljubelj (5.-21. ure)
  • Gornja Radgona
  • Svečina (8.-18. ure)
  • Gederovci
  • Holmec (5.-23. ure)
  • Šentilj (A1)
  • Šentilj (17.-19. ure)
  • Vič
Border crossings open for daily migrants with a certificate from their employer, dual owners and tenants with an extract from the land registry or a lease agreement and individuals wishing to visit their closer relatives:
  • Kramarovci
  • Gerlinci (8.-18. hour)
  • Kuzma 24/7
  • Cankova
  • Jurij (5.-8. and 16.-19. hour)
Border crossings open for slovenian and austrian dual owners or tenants near the border area:
  • Golica
  • Peč
  • Koprivna
  • Knepsovo sedlo
  • Blekowa Alm (5.-2. hour)
Open border crossings:
  • Vrtojba
  • Fernetiči
  • Škoflje
Border crossings open for daily migrants, landlords, individuals with a certificate from the local community and visitors of close relatives:
  • Rateče 24/7
  • Robič (5.-23. hour, sundays and holidays entrances into Slovenia closed)
  • Predel (6.-9. and 15.-18. hour, sundays and holidays entrances into Slovenia closed)
  • Nova Gorica (Erjavčeva) (6.-21. hour)
  • Neblo (6.-9. and 15.-19. hour)
Open border crossings:
  • Dolga vas
  • Pince (AC/transit/20.-12. ure)
  • Pince (R2)
Border crossings open for daily migrants with a certificate from their employer, dual owners and tenants with an extract from the land registry or a lease agreement and individuals wishing to visit their closer relatives:
  • Hodoš